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As a new modernized kidneys disease treatment organization...More


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Blood Pollution Therapy

Blood Pollution Therapy is named by its featured theory that the polluted blood...More




The International Inpatient Building offers each patient with a personal room with full facilities, kitchen and washing room. More


Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is equipped with the most advanced check and treatment equipment to More

Home > Learn about kidney disease > Chronic Kidney Disease > CKD Basics >

Creatinine Level Goes Down does That Mean Kidney Disease is Goes Well

Once the creatinine level goes high that means the disease is goes worse. Then, once the creatinine level goes down does that mean the disease is goes well?...read more

What are the Causes of Kidney Shrinkage

What are the causes of kidney shrinkage? Kidney shrinkage is one of the symptoms of kidney failure...read more

Creatinine 1.46 Means What for Kidney Disease Patient

As we all know the normal creatinine level is different from male(0.5-1.5) and female(0.7-1.2), so if your creatinine level is higher than it, you should make further diagnosis in time ...read more

Is It Safe to Take Salvia Capsules and Cyclosporine at the Same Time

Is it safe to take Salvia Capsules and Cyclosporine at the same time? we know that Salvia Capsules was given to dialysis patient, during the treatment doctors may give Cyclosporine at the same time...read more

How Much Water Should Kidney Disease Patient Intake

How much water should kidney disease patient intake? Actually for people with kidney disease, especially those people with swelling...read more

GFR Level Increases from 50 to 54 Does that Mean the Kidney Disease Goes Well

GFR level increases from 50 to 54 does that mean the kidney disease goes well? Under most of the situation, GFR level increasing indicates the disease is goes well...read more

What Exactly are the Main Causes of Kidney Disease

What exactly are the main causes of kidney disease? In fact, there are several causes of kidney disease and knowing the root causes of kidney disease can help you get the right treatment...read more

How Can You Know the CKD Stage According to the GFR Level

How can you know the CKD stage according to the GFR level ? In clinic, GFR is an important index of kidney disease, it can reflect the stages of kidney disease directly...read more

Creatinine Level Downs from 11.2 to 6.5 What does That Mean

i am a kidney failure patient. Few days ago the test shows that my creatinine level was 11.2 but three days later another test shows that my creatinine was 6.5. How can the creatinine level downs so q...read more

How to Prevent Kidney Disease in Our Daily Life

How to prevent kidney disease in our daily life ? According to the study, every one person in ten are kidney disease patient. And once you got this disease, it is extremely difficult to treat it...read more

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