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Home > Learn about kidney disease > Chronic Kidney Disease > CKD Healthy Living >

Aerobic exercise for CKD is Important for Prevention, Treatment and Recovery

2021-12-20 16:56

Aerobic exercise for chronic kidney disease is important for prevention, treatment and recoveryFriends of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often complained: fatigue, fatigue, lazy speech, shortness of breath due to exercise, joint and muscle aches, lack of energy or interest in participating in activities and work, depression, lack of quality of life, etc. Why is this?

First of all, if the condition is stable, it is recommended that life is exercise! Scientific exercise can enable us to have a beautiful body and maintain an ideal weight; it can improve our cardiopulmonary function and maintain an ideal physical strength; it can regulate our emotions and allow us to have a better life experience; it can also make it easier for us to have nutritional balance and physical fitness Strong, have better immunity and disease resistance; therefore, exercise is very beneficial to our physical and mental health.

Increasing activity levels can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. There are even studies that show that exercise can delay the decline of kidney function and reduce the risk of requiring dialysis.

The KDIGO guidelines recommend that CKD patients exercise at least 5 times a week for 30 minutes each time. This is only a general recommendation, with greater flexibility, and each patient needs to do what he can according to his own situation. Some patients have a poor exercise foundation and can start with light physical activity or spread the exercise time throughout the day. Some people have good physical strength, so exercise time can be extended appropriately. There is no good or bad form of exercise. The key point is to be able to persist for a long time, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc. For dialysis or elderly patients, you can also choose to exercise at home, such as walking at home, climbing stairs, etc.

Exercise has strong individual characteristics, you must choose the one that suits you, including exercise mode, time and intensity. And no matter when you start exercising, it’s not too late, just like quitting smoking, as long as you do it, it will be beneficial to your body.

Note that patients with kidney disease are not suitable for anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise often needs to hold their breath, which may cause the patient’s blood pressure and heart rate to rise; anaerobic exercise can easily cause accumulation of lactic acid, and the glomerular filtration rate of kidney disease patients is low. After intense anaerobic exercise, The risk of lactic acidosis and electrolyte disturbance is higher. Aerobic exercise is a more suitable exercise program. For patients with cardiopulmonary function and physical strength assessment, suitable exercises can be selected under the guidance of medical care.

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

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