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Home > Learn about kidney disease > Chronic Kidney Disease > CKD Diet >

How to Reduce High Blood Urea Nitrogen in Chronic Kidney Disease by Diet

Blood urea nitrogen is one of the product of protein and usually it will be discharged out by kidneys, so once the kidneys are damaged it will build up in our body thus to make further damage to the ki...read more

Are Peanuts Good for Kidney Disease Patient with High Creatinine Level

Are peanuts good for kidney disease patient with high creatinine level ? Peanut is loved by many people for it’s good taste and rich nutrition, and even some kidney disease patients are prefer to eat...read more

Why People with Kidney Disease should Avoid to Eat Foods with High Potassium

Why people with kidney disease should avoid to eat foods with high potassium ? Kidney disease patients are not recommended to eat foods with high potassium, high phosphorus, high salt and high fat, but...read more

Is Celery Good for People with Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Is celery good to people with stage 3 kidney disease ? Since the patients are recommended a strict diet, they must prudently eat every food which the doctor doesn’t suggest...read more

How to Manage Stage 3 Kidney Disease Diet

Diet plays an important role in curing kidney disease. Although it is impossible to cure the disease only depend on diet, but without good control, the foods you take may aggravate the progression of y...read more

Can Kidney Disease Patient Drink A Cup of Carrot Juice Everyday

Sir, My father has kidney problem.He says that his creatinine, potassium and urea level is quite elevated. Now my questions is can he drink 8oz or one cup of carrot juice everyday for 2-3 months ?...read more

Food List that Kidney Disease Patient should Avoid

As a kidney disease patient, doctors always remind you to pay special attention to the foods you eat, because that may increase or decrease the treatment effects. The following is a list of foods that ...read more

Can Chronic Kidney Disease Patient Eat Popcorn

Popcorn is a kind of popular foods, it is loved by all ages people. For its good tastes and rich nutrition, patient also want to eat some of them. Then as a kidney disease patient can you eat popcorn ?...read more

Is Oat Meal High in Phosphorus and is It Good for Kidney Disease Patient

Is oat meal high in phosphorus and is it good for kidney disease patient ? For this question, i give give you a positive answer, the oat meal is high in Phosphorus but it is good for kidney disease pat...read more

Is Almond Helpful in Treating Chronic Kidney Disease

Almond have high nutritious and medical values, so it is loved by many people. Then is almond is helpful in treating Chronic kidney Disease....read more

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