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Home > Swelling >

Can Chinese Medicine Cure My Daughter Whose Kidney Still Make Urine

2018-03-24 16:46

Can Chinese Medicine Cure My Daughter Whose Kidney Still Make UrineVisitor: Good evening, I am writing regarding my daughter that is now 30 years of age. We live in the State of Virginia. My daughter is Type 1 juvenile diabetic from age 13 years. She was placed on dialysis nearly a year now. My daughter was stage 3 and while in the hospital too much IV fluid was given and caused 60 pounds excess fluid on the body causing the severe edema. She started to retain fluid in the lungs and heart. The doctors attempted a diuretic, however, was not removing the fluid fast enough. She was placed on dialysis.

Doctor: Any symptoms now? Like foamy urine, swelling, fatigue, back pain, anemia, itching, etc?

Visitor: I wish to start another treatment in lieu of transplant. What are your thoughts? Chinese medicine can cure? She is having bad night sweats now. Low blood sugars now too often. Her kidneys still make urine.

Doctor: It is good to hear that she still has urine output, which means her kidneys are not completely failed and also that she has changes to recover with Chinese medicine. Can she come to our hospital for treatment ?

Visitor: I would have to arrange. Does this therapy restore the kidney function?

Doctor: Yes, our treatments are aimed at improving her own kidney function naturally by repairing the diseased but not necrotic renal cells. In the meanwhile, the symptoms or complications can be disappeared quickly with them. If possible, please send her test reports to me. I’d like to give you the proper diets and treatment plan as well as the details of our treatments.

Visitor: OK. Please call me by. It is also my whatsapp number.

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

Tag: Dialysis   Swelling   Chinese medicine  
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