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Thanks Letter Written by Kidney Disease Patient

2016-08-03 17:41

Thanks Letter written by kidney disease patientI am not much of a letter writer so i shall write as if i am talking to you. Thank you, all of you for being my family away from home. For the 2 months that i have been with you. You have cooked for me, cared for me, laughed with me, talked with me and did everything with me and for me just as my own family world.

When i was first diagnosed with CKD and the doctors told me the only option was to so a transplant, i was facing a black future as i know that the success rate for kidney transplant patient in any country was not good. Then by the grace of God, we found about Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital and i am very happy that i made the decision to come here.

I would like to say thank you firstly to Dr Helen for assisting with all arrangement and making it possible for me to come here. To any nurses, you have being a family, since the first day, meeting my needs and taking care of me and i want you to know that i appreciate everything you did for me. To all the doctor, and all the team of nurses and doctors who are too many to name in this letters, thank you all for your smiles and the care you bring to me. May God bless you, your families and your work as you con have to save.



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