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Home > Learn about kidney disease > Nephrotic Syndrome > Nephrotic Syndrome Healthy Living >

Can Patients with NS Have Sexual Life

2014-04-09 11:10

Nephrotic Syndrome is a quite severe disease. To patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, there will be many complications. This will affect patients’ life and work. In that way, can patients with Nephrotic Syndrome have sexual life. Expert will answer this issue in detail. Hope to help you.

Sexual life or having intercourse is an important part in daily life of all people, which makes them joyful and full of energy. Expert reminds that patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should reduce sexual life rather than forbid absolutely. They can have sexual life when their condition is stable.

Nephrotic syndrome may impact patients physically and emotionally, thus affecting the patients' sexual life. On the other hand, relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome is often associated with uncontrolled sexual life. If patients are on the way of recovery and they have normal urine test and blood pressure, occasional sexual intercourse will not cause relapse of nephrotic syndrome. However, for patients with high blood pressure, hypoproteinemia and severe edema, having sex will deteriorate the kidney disease, especially in summer.

But woman Nephrotic Syndrome patients should pay more attention to contraception. They shouldn’t pregnancy before their illness conditions are remitted. Pregnancy will increase burdens to the kidneys and it will definitely worsen nephrotic syndrome. Often patients will have increased proteinuria or elevated blood pressure.

As you know, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should consider many factors when they want sexual life. But please don’t lose confidence. Hot Compress Therapy which based on Traditional Chinese Medicine is very effective in clinical treatment. Receice this effective treatment timely can help you to recover kidney functions and return their sexual function as a healthy person. So don’t give up and believe in yourself: I certainly can be good !

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

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