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How To Restore Your Immunity During Compensatory Period

2018-12-16 10:41

As a kidney patient you will always want to know how to Restore Immunity during compensatory  period of Chronic kidney failure.

The treatment of chronic renal failure during the compensatory period is generally difficult, because all organs of the patient have been damaged and the immune function has been weak. How should we judge whether the treatment of chronic renal failure is good or bad at this time? What is the biggest ” secret” of chronic renal failure treatment? ..

Mike, a 56 – year – old native of Jilin Province, had essential hypertension ( extremely high risk ). He tested blood pressure 190 / 110 mmHg, urine Pro 3 +, BL D2 +, and blood Cr 258 UMOL / L in a local hospital. As soon as the result of the examination came out, the local hospital suggested that the patient should be transferred to another hospital. Then Mike came to a better local hospital and the results were exactly the same.

After a week in hospital, Mike carried out a review with full expectation. The result was the same. The result of this examination made Mike start to doubt, ” It is not good to continue like this,” and later Mike inadvertently learned about our hospital, ” I must try it out. ” So Mike came here.

Dr. Tian arranged a consultation of Chinese medicine experts, and Mike started the most systematic ” Four Ones” treatment, both inside and outside. Soon it was the day of the test results again, and Mike’s indicators dropped, which increased Mike’s confidence in treatment.

However, Mike caught a cold because he was unaccustomed to the climate of a new place. Mike, a long-suffering doctor, thought that he was completely finished. The previous treatments were all in vain, his illness was going to worsen again, everything was all to zero, Xu was hopelessly depressed and didn’t want to be treated any more. However, Doctor Tian , a doctor in charge, was full of confidence, she told Xu. ” Don’t lose heart. Although you have a cold, your index may not rise. We can’t do a laboratory test.” Mike did routine blood tests and urine tests. The results showed that creatinine did not recur in this cold. Xu was very confused. He did not know what the secret was.

Dr. Mike said the therapies in our hospital can restore the immunity of individuals, make the hands and feet hot, rosy and the patient return to normal life while treating kidney disease again.Then if you have any questions about this please contact us through the following:

E-mail: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

WhatsApp: +8615512139310

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

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How can I get this treatment ?
How can I get this treatment in my counties ?
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Tag: Chronic Kidney Failure   Immunity   Compensatory period   Essential hypertension   Chinese medicine experts   Immunity of individual  
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