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Home > Learn about kidney disease > Nephrotic Syndrome > Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment >

How To Reduce the Amount of Damage That Hormones Do In Daily Life?

2018-07-01 17:49

In the long run, hormone therapy has too many side effects to affect health, and it can also cause kidney disease to recur. So how to reduce the amount of damage that hormones do in daily life?

Prevention of excessive fatigue

For patients with stable nephropathy, they should be encouraged to go out for more activities, which is beneficial to the prevention of high blood coagulation side effects and osteoporosis complications.

But be sure not to overdo the activity to avoid overwork and aggravate kidney disease.

Prevent respiratory infections.

Upper respiratory tract infection is a common disease and the main cause of hormone therapy interruption and recurrence of kidney disease.

How to reduce the amount of damage that hormones do in daily life?

Therefore, attention should be paid to preventing upper respiratory infection.

Prevent skin and mouth infections.

Because the use of hormones can make the body's resistance and immunity decrease, so the skin is damaged or oral impurity, the patient is good to become infected.

Finally, the nephrologist should alert the patient.

Hormone treatment for kidney disease although will have the effect in the short term, but will bring great side effects. Patients with kidney disease are advised not to use a single hormone therapy, because it not only can make patients on hormone dependence, but will increase the burden of the kidney, accelerate the arrival of the renal failure.

at present the kidney experts in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine have researched this kind of disease for many years and developed a systemic natural treatment for the kidney disease ,the natural treatment can repair the damaged kidney cells and discharge the immune complex out of kidney , then the herbal medicine can release the most treatment effect to patients. The most important the natural treatment has no any side effect to patients, if you want to get more effective treatment please contact us through the following message:

E-mail: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

WhatsApp: +8615512139310

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

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Tag: Natural Treatment   Reduce   Hormone treatment   Prevent excess exercise   Prevent upper repiratory tract infection  
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