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Home > Learn about kidney disease > Nephrotic Syndrome > Nephrotic Syndrome Diet >

Can Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome Eat Shrimps

2014-07-19 15:47

Shrimp is deeply loved by people for its good tasty and rich nutritions, but is it suitable for patients with Nephrotic Syndrome ?

The functions of shrimps

1.Shrimp contains abundant magnesium, it plays an important role in regulating the heart activity, it also can protect cardiovascular system, reduce the cholesterol in the blood and prevent hardening of the arteries, at the same time it can dilate coronary arteries, prevent hypertension and myocardial infarction.

2. Shrimp is rich in nutritions and is easy to digest with soft meat, so it is a good food for patients or people who are in poor health.

3. Experts found that astaxanthin in it is helpful to eliminate jet lag caused by the changes of time zone.

4. It is abundant in calcium and phosphorus, both of them are benefit to children and pregnant woman. Besides that, it can build up the immunity and resistance to premature aging. Patients who are afraid of clod or easy to tired should eat more.

Experts said that shrimp is a kind of seafood, it is easy to induce relapse of this disease, so patients with Nephrotic Syndrome  should keep away from it. Diet plays an important role in cure this disease, so patients should keep a fit diet which are low in salt, protein and fat. But in order to meet the demand of your body, you should take proper lean meat, egg white, milk and so on.

Have you got the answers you want ? If you want to know more informations about Nephrotic Syndrome, you can consult our online doctors or leave messages to us. If you like, you also can email us, we will reply you as soon as possible. Our email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

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Tag: Nephrotic Syndrome   Nephrotic Syndrome Diet   Shrimp  
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