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Some Herbal Medicine Can Help Uremic Patient Get Better

2018-11-08 11:43

When you kidney condition progresses to the end stage ,don’t lose your confidence to improve your kidney condition.How can early uremic patients delay dialysis?

Treatment priorities: First treat the symptom, then cure the problem after the symptom eases.

1. For gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, the ” Huanglian Wendan Decoction” can be used to remove heat and dampness, and reduce turbidity in the stomach.

2. Patients with vomiting and constipation can use ” Spleen Warming Decoction” or ” Dachengqi Decoction” to solve the problem of cold accumulation of turbid pathogen or accumulation of heat and secret in the intestinal tract.

3. Colon dialysis + Chinese herbal enema, using the semipermeable membrane properties of intestinal mucosa, led out toxins through the intestinal tract, and used 200 ml of Chinese herbal enema decoction to enable the effective components of Chinese herbal medicine to be absorbed through the intestinal mucosa.

4. For renal anemia, ” Angelica Sinensis Decoction” can be used to warm kidney and generate blood

5 . For those who have difficulty in resisting skin pruritus, the traditional Chinese medicine method of medicated bath can be adopted, such as medicinal cassia twig, Kochia kochia, ginger skin and other skin – penetrating sweating medicines, and warm water ( 38 – 40 ℃ ) can be added to soak for about 30 minutes after boiling, which is beneficial to eliminating pruritus.

This period was full of symptoms and complications, resulting in stomach and health weakening. The treatment should focus on harmonizing stomach and relieving turbidity, removing dross and protecting life.

According to the comments above you can get more benefit,and if you want to know more about the TCM please contact us through the following:

E-mail: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

WhatsApp: +8615512139310

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

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Tag: Uremic patients   Gastrointestinal symptoms   Treatment priorities   Vomiting and constipation   Colon dialysis   Chinese herbal enema  
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