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Home > Learn about kidney disease > Kidney Failure > Kidney Failure Symptoms >

The Reasonable Treatment For The Acute Renal Failure

2018-08-13 14:41

How to treat Acute Renal Failure? Many patients with acute renal failure do not know how to treat their own diseases. Acute renal failure ( ARF ) is a group of acute renal failure caused by various causes in a short period of time ( hours to days ).Clinical syndrome causing accumulation of nitrogen catabolic products, imbalance between water, electrolyte and acid-base and acute uremic symptoms. One of its important characteristics is the sharp decrease in glomerular filtration rate. for example, the endogenous creatinine clearance rate indicates that it is generally reduced to below 50 % of the normal value in a short period of time. If acute renal failure occurs on the basis of the original chronic renal insufficiency, the glomerular filtration function is reduced by more than 15 % compared with the original level.

When acute renal failure occurs, renal excretion function will decrease within a few hours to a few weeks, urea nitrogen and creatinine will continue to rise, and when creatinine is less than half normal, it will cause imbalance of water electrolyte and acid-base balance.And azotemia; The decrease in urine volume is also a manifestation of acute renal failure. Less than 400 ml of adult 24 – hour urine is called oliguria, while less than 100 ml is anuria. If the 24 – hour total urine volume exceeds 800 ml, it is called non-oliguric acute renal failure.

The clinical manifestations of acute renal failure include renal tubular necrosis and repair in pathology, and oliguria or anuria and polyuria in clinic.

First of all, oliguria or anuria is the main stage of the whole course of disease, usually 7 to 14 days, with an average of 5 to 6 days and a maximum of more than one month. The longer the oliguria period, the worse the illness. Changing from oliguria to anuria indicates a worsening of the condition. Although the amount of urine in oliguria period is small, it is relatively low and fixed, generally between 1.010 and 1.014. Urine often contains protein, red blood cells and casts.

As to acute renal failure more people are confused to the reasonable treatment ,if you have the similar questions or want to know more detailed information please contact us through following:

E-mail: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

WhatsApp: +8615512139310

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Tag: Creatinine   Glomerular filtration function   Clinical manifestations   Acute renal failure   Clinical syndrome   Imbalance between water   electrolyte and acid-base   Creatinine clearance rate   Urea nitrogen  
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