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Home > Learn about kidney disease > IgA Nephropathy > IgA Healthy Living >

Diet and Nursing for Patients with IgAN

2014-04-03 15:52

Effective treatment is important for patients with IgAN, meanwhile, proper diet and nursing can be assistant method which can enhance pharmic effects. IgAN patients should pay more attention to:

Lower Hypertension

You should pay more attention to lower your blood pressure. Keeping your blood pressure levels near normal may help slow kidney damage from IgA Nephropathy. You should take healthy changes in your diet, such as limiting your salt intake and losing excess weight. In addition, you should remember to take your blood pressure medications to keep your blood pressure under control.


Patients with IgA Nephropathy should not make themselves tired with too much work. But this is not means you should always lie in bed. Proper exercises can help you to boost immunity. For example, you should take a walk after dinner.


Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and quality of life. You can follow renal diet to determine what foods you should eat, such as low fat, low protein, and low potassium. If you still have doubts about diet, please chat with our online doctor.

Mind nursing

All Patients will experience varying degrees psychentonia, depressed and pessimism. And bewilderment or cry may augment their uneasy and feared state of mind. Therefore mind nursing is very important. Family members or other people should reduce undesirable stimulate to patients as far as possible. Ease of mind is in order to morbid recovery.

Prevent cold and inflammatory disease

People with IgA Nephropathy should prevent upper respiratory infection such as Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, as well as Enteritis. They should receive treatment actively once inflammation occurs.

All these may help you to slow the progression of IgAN and protect your kidneys. Any questions? You can email us at kidneyservice@hotmail.com.

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

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