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Home > Learn about kidney disease > Diabetic Nephropathy > Diabetic Nephropathy basics >

Renal Failure with Diabetes What is the Life Expectancy

2015-01-08 15:16

Renal failure is the advanced stage of kidney disease, once people got this disease, they may suffer many complications. Most of them will feel weakness and have bad physicalcondition, so the question how long can they live comes up. Then for renal failure patient with Diabetes what is the life expectancy ?

It is very important to know whether the renal failure is acute or chronic, and whether an excellent treatment center is available and used. In acute failure, life expectancy may be days to weeks, but it can be cured with timely treatment. In chronic kidney disease the treatment the people choose has directly relations with the life expectancy.

What is the life expectancy for people with chronic kidney disease with Diabetes ?

Without treatment, less than one year, possibly less than 6 months. Depends on exactly what stage the disease was in when first diagnosed. you NEED to know the "GFR Number". This number, in percent, measures show well the kidneys are working. The lower the number, the worse the disease. A GFR less than 15% requires dialysis or transplant.

With Dialysiy 5-7 years, maybe more.

With transplant -- 10 or more years, assuming a close match with the donated organ. Note, though, that the patient may be on temporary dialysis, as the waiting list for kidney transplant is about 30 months (2-1/2 years).

From the above we can see that kidney replacement therapies can maintain patients indefinitely and prolong life, the quality of life is severely affected. Renal transplantation increases the survival of patients significantly when compared to other therapeutic options; however, it is associated with an increased short-term mortality (due to complications of the surgery). Transplantation aside, high intensity home hemodialysis appears to be associated with improved survival and a greater quality of life, when compared to the conventional three times a week hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

In one word, many factors can affect the life expectancy of renal failure patient with Diabetes, if you want to know more details about the ways to prolong your life span, you are welcome to contact us, we will reply you as soon as possible.

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

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Tag: renal failure   Diabetic Nephropathy basics   Life expectancy of renal failure with diabetes  
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