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As a new modernized kidneys disease treatment organization...More


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Kidney disease can be found and treated earyly to prrevent more...More

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Some successful clinical cases are provided with our advanced kidney...More

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Here is a list of questions that patients concem most.Read them to learn more...More

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Blood Pollution Therapy

Blood Pollution Therapy is named by its featured theory that the polluted blood...More




The International Inpatient Building offers each patient with a personal room with full facilities, kitchen and washing room. More


Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is equipped with the most advanced check and treatment equipment to More

Home > Learn about kidney disease > Chronic Kidney Disease > CKD Treatment >

What Chinese Medicines Can be Used to Reduce Creatinine Level

In nowadays, Chinese Medicines are used widely in treating kidney disease for its remarkable effects. In the following i will introduce some of them for you, hope you can learn more about Chinese Medic...read more

Can Kidney Disease Patient Reduce Creatinine 6.5 without Dialysis

I am a kidney disease patient and the doctor told me my creatinine has up to 6.5, he wants me to take dialysis. I am wondering can i reduce it without dialysis...read more

How Can Chinese Medicine Treat Kidney Disease

Chinese Medicine is rather different from the western treatment in treating Kidney Disease. It mainly takes the traditional Chinese herbs to repair the damaged kidney...read more

How Can Immunotherapy Treat Kidney Disease

Immunotherapy aims at repairing the damaged kidneys and rebuild the innate immune system of human body, it seems that Immunotherapy brings new hope to kidney disease patient...read more

Is Acupuncture Effective for Treating Kidney Disease

Acupuncture involves the penetration of very thin needles through the skin at specific points on the body. Years of researches have proved that acupuncture really has effect on treating kidney disease...read more

Kidney Disease with Creatinine 6.1: Should I Start Dialysis

Should kidney disease patient start dialysis when their creatinine level up to 6.1? To be frankly, if the patients suffered serious symptoms, they should start dialysis now...read more

Is there Any Chance to Reverse Stage 3 Kidney Disease

In one word, stage 3 CKD can be reversed by the efficient treatments. But as a patient you need to take the chance to take the treatment timely...read more

How to Treat Renal Parenchymal Disease of Type 1

Kidneys have two sub types of medical conditions, parenchymal and vascular. Renal parenchyma refers to medical condition involving tissues...read more

How to Improve GFR in Kidney Disease Effectively

GFR is used to estimate how much blood passes through the tiny filters in kidneys each minute. If your GFR value is lower than the normal (100ml/min~140ml/min), it indicates that your kidney isn’t fu...read more

Symptoms and Efficient Treatment of Kidney Scarring

Kidney scarring refers to the scarring of tiny blood vessels within the kidneys called glomeruli, it is usually a result of a previous or present illness of the kidney...read more

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