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How Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cure Kidney Disease

2015-01-03 17:34

How Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cure Kidney DiseaseHow can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy cure kidney disease ? As we all know this theraopy is an effective therapy for the treatment of kidney disease, then as a kind of Chinese Medicine how can it help to cure kidney disease ?

How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy cure kidney disease ?

1.Prevent renal function from deteriorating

Micro-Chinese medicines are featured with dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading extracellular matrix. After the effective medicines are penetrated into kidney lesions, they can stop the releasing of inflammatory factors and clear up harmful substances to kidneys. In this way, it can halt the renal function to deteriorating immediately and effectively.

2.Active the self-replication of renal functional cells

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can activate the self-replication of renal functional cells and boost the reconstruction of kidney structure. The active materials in Chinese medicines can block renal fibrosis, dilate arteries at all levels, improve the regeneration and differentiation of renal functional cells. Meanwhile, the medicines can promote the secretion of growth factors so as to activate the formation of new blood vessels and accelerate the reconstruction of glomeruli.

3.Improve the metabolic disorders and provide an aerobic environment for repairing the impaired renal functional cells.

The effective medicines can dilate blood vessels at all levels and increase blood and oxygen supply to kidneys. In this way, it can create an aerobic environment for restoring the impaired kidneys. As renal ischemia and anoxia is the root cause of renal fibrosis, once these conditions are reversed, the kidney function will stop deteriorating.

4.Chinese medicines can provide essential substances for rebuilding kidney structure

Chinese medicines are rich in trace elements, organic acid, essential amino acid and vitamins. They can provide essential elements for restoring kidneys and also stimulate the body to synthetize necessary elements and substances.

5.Regulate immune function

Chinese medicines can enhance the phagocytic function of immune cells and remove the immune complexes in kidneys. In this way, they can restrain the immune inflammatory response and enhance immunity effectively and remarkably.

If you have other questions about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or need any help in treating kidney disease, do not hesitant to contact our online docotor, we will try our best to help you.

Any kidney problems? Please consult our online doctor. The satisfaction of patient is as high as 93%.

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Tag: Kidney Disease   Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy   CKD Treatment  
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