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Home > Learn about kidney disease > Chronic Kidney Disease > CKD Basics >

Can Heart Attack be Caused by Chronic Kidney Disease

2015-06-07 17:34

Can Heart Attack be Caused by Chronic Kidney Disease Can heart attack be caused by Chronic Kidney Disease ? As we all know, without good control kidney disease will cause many complications, hear attack is one of them, which may increase the dath rate of kidney disease patient.

Can chronic kidney disease cause heart attack ?

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes the kidneys to be damaged in an irreversible way. As a result, these important organs can no longer work efficiently to regulate how water is distributed throughout the body's tissues and act as a filter to protect the body from toxins and long term of kidney damage will hurt our ogans such as heart. So chronic kidney disease can cause heart attack.

What factors can cause hear attack ?

Sometimes complications caused by CKD can also make cardiovascular disease, they are:

Excess calcium or phosphorus in the blood, which can stiffen and narrow the blood vessels

High homocysteine levels, which some evidence suggests can damage artery walls and encourage dangerous clots

Systemic inflammation, which is inflammation that's not in just one part of the body but has spread generally and can lead to heart attacks and strokes

CKD patients are also prone to anemia, which is a lowering of the blood's red cell count. Prolonged anemia can cause the heart to develop a left ventricular hypertrophy, which means the muscle on the left side of the heart becomes abnormally thick. This can lead to congestive heart failure.

Since even a minor loss of kidney function can drastically increase the danger of damaging the heart, a stroke, heart attack or other cardiovascular problem sometimes occurs before the CKD is even diagnosed. So as a kidney disease patient you should control your kidney disease well.

If you have other questions or need any help in treating chronic kidney disease, you can leave message below, we will try our best to help you.

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Tag: Chronic Kidney Disease   CKD Basics   Heart Attack  
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