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Home > Creatinine >


Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body, so it can be an indicator of kidney function. Usually, we can make a rough diagnosis according to the level of creatinine.

Can Creatinine 8.9 be Reduced Without Dialysis

In many countries, when the creatinine reaches up to 8.9, the doctor will suggest the patient doing dialysis. But do you know there are other treatments instead of dialysis? The kidney is the main orga...read more

Creatinine 5.6 Means What for Kidney Disease Patient

The normal level of creatinine for adult males is 0.6-1.2mg/dl, and for females, it is 0.5-1.1ma/dl. Creatinine 5.6 is much higher than the normal levels, which means the kidneys have been damaged very...read more

What Treatment Can Lower Creatinine 7.7 Other Than Dialysis

In clinic, creatinine 7.7 is much higher than the normal level. Usually, doctor will recommend patient with so high creatinine to take dialysis. But do you know that dialysis is not the only choice for...read more

Creatinine 8.3 in Kidney Disease: What does It Mean and How to Lower It

I am a kidney disease patient and my creatinine level is 8.3mg/dl, can you tell me what the creatinine 8.3 means for me and how can i lower it...read more

How to Reduce Creatinine 4.1 in Kidney Failure

I am a kidney failure patient, my BUN level is 42 and creatinine is 4.1, is it very high? How can i reduce them?...read more

How to Decrease Creatinine Level in Kidney Disease Effectively

In general, we can decrease the creatinine level from two aspects, one is diet, another is treatment...read more

How to Reduce High Creatinine in Kidney Disease

In order to reduce the high creatinine level in kidney disease, we should have both dietary therapy and medical therapy, which will help reduce the creatinine level fundamentally...read more

How to Prevent Creatinine Goes to High in Kidney Disease

High creatinine level is a common sign for kidney disease patients which means their kidneys have been damaged severely. If the high creatinine is not controlled effectively, it will cause further dama...read more

What Treatments Can be Used to Reduce High Creatinine in Kidney Disease

Patients usually take ketosteril to reduce high creatinine, however, ketosteril controls creatinine level just through adjusting the amino acid metabolism not through repairing the damaged filtration m...read more

What Medicines are Effective for Lowering the High Creatinine Level

In clinic, there are mainly two types of medicines to lower high creatinine level, they are western medications and herbal medications...read more

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